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The Guiding Lights


Charat Sharma

I have 25 years of enviable experience working across the globe as a senior executive in the telecom industry. In 1997, I earned a B. Tech. degree in the electronics and communications program from Lucknow University. My love for stock investing has led me to gain a deep understanding of "greed and fear" after 14 years of ups and downs in the stock market.


My introduction to stock investing happened by chance when some tangible shares of a corporation purchased by my grandfather in the 1980s increased by 80X over the course of 12 years. In 2012, a buddy sent me "Intelligent Investor" by Ben Graham, which opened my eyes to the compounding power of equities. By investing in chemical and infrastructure stocks, base capital increased by 10X in 2017.


Due to general unfavorable views, the remaining portfolio declined by 80% from 2019 to March 2020. It was a nightmare, and nobody knew how things would pan out, but with the help of my Lord Ganesha, a new investing approach, a timely sector rotation, and undervalued scripts, we were once more able to turn the tide. From December 2020 to February 2022, portfolio gains averaged 7X.


I find inspiration in Howard Marks' and Peter Lynch's knowledge of the stock market, and I'm a huge fan of Warren Buffett's adage, "Never lose money in the stock market," as for any individual investor, his capital growth is what he considers to be the stock market.


Shashank Arya

Over 30 years of experience as a senior telecom executive. In 1989, I received a B. E. from Delhi Institute of Technology. The stock market has always piqued my interest, and I met some colleagues who were very active in it during my first job. I first became acquainted with the stock market in 1993, when all transactions were conducted through brokers in an offline setting. My first encounter was a dreadful one. I made some money, but nearly all of it was lost when some public companies went bankrupt after going public. After experiencing all of the ups and downs in the stock market, I've learned that one needs to evaluate their capacity for risk and manage their appetite for gain. My investing strategy has become more disciplined, and I've always kept my portfolio split into two categories: 1. Long Term 2. Short Term In light of market conditions, the ratio can change. However, the fundamental principle in this case is that "the primary sum should be secured at all times.”


I only invest in any stock after conducting a thorough study and knowledge of the dangers. By the grace of God, I have thus far been able to stay alive in the stock market for 25 years and accomplish all of my financial objectives. In my portfolio over the years, I have held numerous multi-baggers, including Granules (20X returns), JBM AUTO (100X returns), Minda Industries (10X returns), KPR Mills (5X returns), Birla Corp (6X returns), Deepak Nitrite (5X returns), and many more.

Our Motive

In order to help new investors achieve acceptable and dependable returns from the stock market with little risk, we would want to share our experience and knowledge with them. The stock market and India's GDP will both keep expanding at 7-9% annual rates. The Indian stock market is currently the actual land of opportunity.


Join us, and we'll help you invest in stocks with confidence.

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